Horsey Thoughts

A journal of my training of my new almost two year old paint/percheron filly. Interspersed with time management issues, mommy stuff, and normal daily woes.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Another Sunny Spring Day

The plan was for a quick barn visit with the kids this morning, but the kids weren't cooperating. Even though they woke up nice and early, they wanted to go outside to ride their new bikes. They had no interest in a barn trip. I have to admit I was disappointed. I was looking forward to seeing my black and white beast.

The weather was so nice this afternoon, that I told Dave I just had to run to the barn. I planned a really quick trip, but of course it took longer than usual.

I started in her stall with her, feeding her some treats, making her bend to either side and down between her front legs for her carrots. She had a good grooming, and she was pretty good about having her feet cleaned. I think next time I go to the barn, I'm going to save all the treats for when I'm totally done with her. She was so excited about the treats that she was being a pest and looking for more and it was making it difficult to groom her.

It was REALLY windy today, and I could tell Lola was a bit nervous about everything that was blowing around. I decided to take her for a walk down the street. She did great! For the most part she was very calm and just looking at everything. When we got back to Sarah's, she trotted into the driveway like something spooked her, so I turned her around and made her walk into the driveway again calmly.

Next we went down to the woods and went for a walk on the trails. We did the whole loop around the backyard today for the first time. Lola was being a bit of a pest about trying to eat everything, so I had to keep correcting her about that. The last thing I want to teach her is that it is OK to eat everything she sees every time we try to go for a trail ride.

When we were coming around the second half of the circle and starting our trip home, she decided to try and trot up hill a bit. I had to correct that behavior. I stopped her, backed her a bit, and she fussed, so I tried again. She didn't want to back with a shake of the rope, but I did get her to back with pressure on her chest. She calmed down after that and we finished our little walk.

On to the indoor next. I knew that was going to be a scary thing since the indoor is all built of sheet metal and the wind was so crazy. I opened the door and led her into the indoor. I let up on her lead a little to close the door behind us and she spooked and squeezed herself right out the door. She very calmly walked away from me. She didn't take off at a gallop or do anything crazy, she just kept walking. Sarah was by the barn, so I called to her, and she just grabbed the lead.

Back to the indoor. Went in and shut the door without a problem. I tried to do the yo-yo game, and the porcupine game, but she was having a really hard time focusing. Did the circle game with her, and she was moving away from me very nicely, almost too nicely, she was almost pulling the rope out of my hand. I walked her over a small jump a few times. She hit it the first three or four times I walked her over it , and then figured it out.

Up to her stall, quick brush down, a couple of slices of bread, and off I went. She was happily hanging out with Simon the mini, and eating some hay when I left.

I saw a very active energetic side of Lola that I hadn't seen before today. It was kind of nice to see a little spunk. Dave told me a couple of times that he is worried she is too quiet for me, but that certainly wasn't the case today! I think she is going to be just fine.

No barn tomorrow. Busy day with the kids. Tuesday I get to play at the barn again. Wednesday Lola is having her teeth floated. I hope that goes OK.


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